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Have you ever really liked a girl, but she put you in the dreaded “friend zone”?

You had feelings for her, you wanted something more, but she just saw you as a friend. It really sucks! I'm sure you have experienced this.

In this video I am going to show you:
1)How to break out of the friend zone.
2)The reasons she put you in the friend zone
3)How to never be placed in the friend zone ever again

Time Stamps:

00:00 Intro 

00:12 How did you get in the friend zone in the first place

01:05 Critical lesson to understand: Friend zone dynamics

01:17: What mistake are you making? Why is she not attracted to you?

01:50: Do this one thing and you will never ever get stuck in the friend zone again 

03:00: The big conclusion: Take notes! 

04:03: Wrapping it all up 



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Gabriel Grey
Gabriel Grey

Gabriel Grey is an Executive Dating Coach at SOCIAL HACKER™